Thursday, November 28, 2019

Famous Explorers Of Africa Essays - African Great Lakes,

Famous Explorers of Africa Mungo Park was a Scottish explorer who led one of the first expeditions to investigate the course of the Niger river in Western Africa. Mungo Park was a 23 year-old scottish surgeon surgeon who had just returned from a journey to Sumatra on a ship of the East India Company. There he had discovered 6 species of fish, he had published descriptions in a Scientific Journal. In 1795, Park had gone to Piscina, on an offer to research further into Africa. Park had accepted and a severe fever overcame him during his journey. Park also had been captured by certain muslim leaders. After he had got out of the Prison he had wandered around and had finally found the Niger River. Park was amazed at how beautiful the River was. Park had stated "I saw with infinite pleasure, the object of my, mission". Park had returned home to London where became famous on his publications of his voyage across Africa. Later in 1806 he sailed downstream to the Bussa rapids, where he drowned, trying to escape an attack by the Africans. Rene Callie was a 27 year old man who was fascinated by the stories told about peoples travels to Africa. His readings of Mungo park also stimulated his fascination. Callie had entered a contest for the first person to reach Timbuktu and reach back. He had reached Timbuktu. During Callie's trip he did not find it easy to prove to the French Authorities that a young man with no experience could discover Timbuktu. On his way back Callie had joined a Arab Caravan preparing to cross from Western Sahara to Morocco. Callie had stated "I am the first European to cross from the sandy ocean from the south to the north". On his return to Paris, Callie was known as a hero. Later, questions were asked if he was telling the truth or not. Johann Rebmann Johann Rebmann was a German missionary, who was not like Mungo Park or Rene Callie. The purpose of Rebmann's explorations is to find a place where he might serve God. His most helpful weapon was a umbrella, which he used to fight off lions and would be attackers. Rebmann was the european explorer who kept a careful record of his journey. Together with his partner he paved the way for later explorers. Rebmann had found the Mount Kilimanjaro which was located in Tanzania. His missionary work was more difficult than his exploration efforts. David Livingstone David Livingstone was a scotsman who also was intrigued by the mysteries of vast unexplored areas of South Africa. He as Johann Rebmann was also a missionary. ivingstone started working at a mission in sotho and had also left because of dissagreements with the boers. In 1849 Livingstone had gone with 2 game hunters to be an interpreter for an expedition northward. They had gone north to Lake Ngami in Botswana but they could not go further because of Livingstone's families' sickness at the time. After about a year Livingstone resumed his explorations. Livingstone had heard tales of the rushing waters of the Zambezi River. He wanted to know the source of this River. Livingstone had to return to England for his families safety and when he returned his mission was destroyed by boers. Livingstone was ill and tired but he kept on his journey. In 1855 Livingstone had gone about two thousand miles when he reached the Victoria Falls. Livingstone had returned to Engaland in 1856. In 1862 Livingstone had returned to Central Africa with a backing of the British Government. He was on his journey and he become sick and was in a African hut for 6 months. Livingstone had been in Central Africa for 8 years and the outside world had little information of his health and his whereabouts. In 1871 Henry Stanley a 28 year-old foriegn correspondent had heard rumors that a white man was living at the Vilage of Ujiji near lake Tanganika. On November 10,1871 Stanley entered the village and there he found the sick Livingstone. Stanley had brought the correct medical supplies to let Livingstone recover. In 1872 both Stanley and Livingstone had gone to explore lakes and rivers of Central Africa. Livingstone had died and was remembered as a hero for his explorations in Central Africa. Stanley had then left Livingstone to research further. Speke finds Lake Victoria and names it after the Queen of England. Richard Burton Richard Burton was one of the most famous explorers in Africa . Burton's Life

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Transformations in the USA essay

buy custom Transformations in the USA essay For a long time, the issue of gender discrimination, class and race have been rampant in the United States. As indicated in the book Ragged Dick, written by Haratio Alger, the immigrants, majority of whom were from Africa, Europe and Asia communities were categorized by the dominant white race as minorities. The main aim of this paper is to compare the issues that are covered by Alger with other sources, both primary and secondary, with the basic aim of understanding life in the U.S. during as well as after the Civil War. Alger offers three distinct theories that help the reader understand the inequality that existed in the United States. This includes cultural deficiency, bias theory, and structural theory. The cultural deficiencies define the minority groups as inferior and having inappropriate ways of thinking, reasoning, and acting. It is notable that transformation that occurred in the U.S. resulted to industrialization and growth in commerce, although there were no any profound changes that took place until urbanization. For instance, Ragged Dick was involved into a shoe shining business that he highly considered his professional business, a factor that indicates the hard life faced by many immigrants, especially those from Canada, Latin America, Japan, Europe, and China. Most of the population in the inner cities was represented by immigrant, majority of who were living in deplorable conditions simply known as immigrant ghettos. Tales were also told in local languages, thus maintaining a close connection between the immigrants with the communities that they left in their home countries. There was the second-generation of immigrants, who demanded for equal rights, especially in the work places, a factor that significantly reduced discrimination in many places. Due to urbanization and industrialization, the immigrants were faced with various disturbing issues, such as frequency of great fires, diseases, plague, and overcrowding of the working class neighborhoods. Violence was also rampant leading to the establishment of larger and more professional police force. As explained by Alger, there were class divisions, which influenced growing interests in leisure. In conclusion one can see that, immigration resulted to overcrowding, corruption, among other vices, which have affected the U.S. society up to date. Transformations in the USA Alger discusses the issues of race, class, and gender in his book Ragged Dick. In the history of the United States, race, class and gender discrimination have been rampant during the past centuries. The migrants who were mainly the minority groups were categorized by the dominant white race representatives as minorities. This explains the transformations that have occurred in the history of the USA; thus, it is important to compare the issues covered by Alger and other primary and secondary sources in order to understand life in the United States during and after the Civil War. Alger brings up the issues of race, class, gender in his art and life. He provides readers with different ways to understand gender, racial, and class discrimination against then African immigrants in the US. There are many ways of understanding these inequalities because many people have different views on these topics. The USA is a state of many immigrants, groups, as well as cultures in its populations, and has experienced various problems considering the dominant minority relationships that have made the society increasingly diverse. Alger provides an understanding of the three important popular theories including cultural deficiency, bias theory, and structural theory. In this essay, I will explain the similarities of the issues covered by Alger in the Ragged Dick and various materials that describe different theories on class, racial, and gender discrimination. Cultural deficiencies have been used to define the minority groups as inferior and having inappropriate ways of thinking, reasoning, and acting. By this, I refer to the immigrants who are the minority in the US. These minority groups feel and act as if they are discriminated against. The ideas of discrimination are imparted to the younger generation because the minority group teaches these ideas to their children through their actions and words. In the 19th century, society typically associated race with ethnic identity and skin color as well as national identity. During the 19th century, the emergence of different races in the US made Italians to be seen as a different race then the Irish, for example; however, both were different from the Germans and the English. In Ragged Dick, Frank Whitneys father tells Dick to Remember that your future position depends mainly upon yourself, and that it will be high or low as you choose to make it1.Yet, the path to economic security and social mobility in the United States in the 19th century was seldom simple as seen from these statements and provided in the writings of Alger. Transformations that occurred in the United States of America occurred in several ways and led to industrialization and growth of commerce. However, there were no profound changes until the urbanization. US started as an agrarian economy, but advanced into an urban nation in the late 19th century. During the Civil War, the urban population increased at a high rate. Death and infant mortality rates grew in number while fertility rate decreased. However, urbanization was accelerated by immigration. During the 19th century, American citizens moved from areas with declining agricultural productivity to the cities of the East and Midwest. Most migrants were of African origin and were escaping poverty, conflicts, debt, and discrimination that they faced in the rural south. Discrimination was evident in the work places, particularly in the factories, since the black-skinned were only qualified to do unskilled labor as cooks or domestic servants. For example, Ragged Dick was involved into a shoe shining business that he considered his professional business2. Many African Americans were involved in hard labor as well as unskilled labor. The immigrants were also staying in absolute poverty, as explained by Ragged Dick that General Washington provided his pants and coats to him because he did not have any of his own. This also contributed to gender inequality in the work places because most of the unskilled labor was work undertaken by women. Foreign immigrants who migrated in large numbers influenced urban population; for instance, some of the immigrants were from Canada, Latin America, China, and Japan. The greatest number of new comers arrived from Europe. In the earlier years, some of the immigrants from Europe brought wealth with them. The ones who appeared later lacked capital to buy land and headed west. In addition, before the Civil War, Irish immigrants settled in the industrial areas where most of them got absorbed into unskilled labor3 Most of the population in the inner cities was represented by immigrants. This led to racism due to the diversity of the populace. Thus, by 1890, no single race dominated in the US. Most immigrants were rural people greatly affected by culture shock. Some of them managed to recover from culture shock by forming close-knit ethnic groupings within the inner cities and the neighborhood, commonly referred to as immigrant ghettos. These ethnic grouping offered new comers vital information from newspapers and theatres in native languages. There were also tales told in their local languages. This led to the emergence of community organizations where the immigrants maintained close ties with their native nations. They maintained close connections with the communities that they left in their home countries; some even returned within a very short term. On the other hand, other immigrants even assisted their communities to migrate to the US. Thus, the cultural cohesiveness helped to ease the pa in of separation from the immigrants native countries. This enabled them to adapt to the American economic life. The migrations that transformed the American society formed part of great global movement that influenced the entire world4. The major impact was provided by population growth and industrialization. The ethnic neighborhoods and the immigrant groups reinforced the cultural values that were well suited to economic development. However, discrimination by the whites made it difficult for some immigrants to advance. Among those affected are immigrants who had valuable skills as well as capital5. The immigrants who occupied the inner cities came to dominate due to assimilation and exclusion. Most of these occupants were young people who shared the experience of living in the inner cities. Hence, most of the immigrants with foreign-born ethnic ties were involved in a competition against the desire for assimilation. Second-geeneration immigrants decided to come with new ways of socialization; for instance, women demanded for their rights as a way of preventing forced marriages or gender discrimination in the workplace. The natives also influenced assimilation by requiring English to be included in the curriculum in public schools, and employers demanded that workers use English at the workplace. Church leaders were usually native born Americans or more assimilated immigrants who encouraged the new comers to adopt American lifestyle. Other reforms were made to conform to the norms of the new country. Consequently, many immigrants maintained their ethnic cultures and led to the creation of distinctive communities. There were restrictions that led to the screening of immigrants through standards like literacy tests; however, these restrictions kept away only a small number of aliens because the immigrants provided cheap and plentiful labor to the rapidly growing economy that accelerated the industrial development of the US5. Class system was very rampant because wealthy citizens were the principal force behind the creation of great art museum and other social and recreation facilities such as parks. As the material and social aspirations of the wealthy grew, they required the public life and demanded the city to provide them with amenities that would match their expectations. Due to urbanization and industrialization, the immigrants were faced with various disturbing facts including the frequency of great fires, diseases, plague, and overcrowding of the working class neighborhoods. The immigrants were exposed to improper disposal of human and industrial waste, air pollution. Above all, urban po verty, crime, and violence accelerated with little success due to the involvement of middle-class people who believed that a lot of assistance would contribute to dependency. They grew particularly alarmed over the increasing number of children in the inner cities that attracted a lot of attention among the reformers. However, the attention never lasted for long. Poverty and overcrowding led into crime and violence. The native-born Americans believed that immigrants committed crimes because of the violence proclivities among their populations. This led to the creation of larger and more professional police force. The immigrants could only seek protection from the political machine that owed its existence to the power vacuum that the growth of the cities created for the political voting power. Class divisions influenced the growing interest in leisure where members of the middle class spent a lot of time. Leisure life bridged the differences of class, race, and gender. For instance, saloons and certain sporting events were male activities6. According to Alger, Ragged Dick, like other immigrants, could socialize in gambling houses that were overcrowded by young boys who misused their hard earnings. At these meetings, the juveniles would take refreshments at two cents a glass. Shopping and attending the tearooms were associated with women. This is in contrast to the cafeteria attended by the immigrants. Alger explains that the tearoom that Ragged Dick attended was a small apartment with a few plain tables without tablecloths; the class of clients who attended it was not very familiar. The meals provided were substandard. On the other hand, popular forms of entertainment developed in the cities whereby many ethnic communities maintained their own style. The Media opened few entertainments to the black performers due to racial discrimination. In addition, performers of both races tailored their acts to prevailing white prejudices in a manner that ridiculed the blac ks. Discrimination was also prevalent in the schooling system. Even though compulsory school attendance laws existed, the rural school lagged behind the urban schools. In the South, most immigrants had no access to the public schools, but for the whites opportunities for schooling expanded drastically. In addition, during the post-Civil War era, there were important educational opportunities open for women, they were less for men and denied to black women7. In conclusion, immigration led to the development of cities characterized by corruption, filth, overcrowding, and diseases. The city governments were dominated by political machines and ruled by party bosses that were the major source of inefficiencies as well as corruption. These cities brought together races, ethnic groups, and class systems. Hence, the immigrants were greatly affected by racial, class and gender discrimination8. Buy custom Transformations in the USA essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Apply for The Institutional Review Board (IRB) For My Thesis Program Essay

Apply for The Institutional Review Board (IRB) For My Thesis Program Improvement - Essay Example This usually varies basing on the PI year and if the entity is a LEA or a school. A statewide system of intensive and sustained support have been shown to help LEAs with PI schools and PI LEAs to enhance the opportunity for all students in those schools and agencies to adequately meet their academic standards. The underperforming districts and schools require policy and programmatic coherence so as to effectively address the diverse needs of the students. To assist create this coherence, some of tools developed by the state include: district assistance survey, academic program survey and the inventory of services and supports for students with disabilities. In the previous years, determining schools for program improvement was different basing on the kind of improvement program the school was operating. The study will utilize a quantitative research methodology with a descriptive design to examine. It was used due to the fact the research was aimed at answering the question like ‘what is,† ‘how’ and ‘what was’. The methods used to gather information included open-ended questions, observation, key informant interviews, collection tools, personal interviews, the use of surveys, filling of questionnaires, use of focus groups, and examination of documents. With regard to sampling, the research study will employ the random sampling technique. Vulnerable populations include minors, elderly, physically or mentally disabled, economically or educationally disadvantaged, victims, institutionalized people, or those who can easily be victimized. Will any vulnerable populations be included in your study? 6) The population sampled will include school staff (particularly those responsible for developing and administering the improvement program), board members, students, funders, and community colleagues with expertise in program’s content area. Participants will be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comparison assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparison assignment - Essay Example Kids are being given free breakfast at McDonalds by Comprehension assessment test, this therefore bespeaks that it is healthier than KFC and that is why it is being preferred. It has been proven that KFC has fewer calories than McDonalds. By using a simple method of calculation, if you averages the KFC and McDonalds salads and desserts and see which has fewer calories, it is actually KFC that has less. According to this arithmetic, KFC actually beats McDonalds by a double digit in the amount of calories used (Duiker & Spielvogel, 2008). McDonalds seems to have a healthier amount of desserts, but blew KFC out of the water by the amount of calories in the other two categories. Therefore, KFC is statistically and calorically healthier than McDonalds. At some instances KFC is seen as bad. In the first point, that McDonalds is bringing a health program putting some sandwiches, salads, and dessert under 350 calories. They put lost of ads about this program. You can therefore take one ad when we have many around the world. Some of the averages are some way off besides KFC only has one salad and it’s

Monday, November 18, 2019

Currency trading experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Currency trading experience - Research Paper Example platform the company has made available for willing financial institutions and investors; I was offered resources and efficient tools in accessing currency information that are kept up-to-date; the company also made available to me and others secure currency transfer services; and also professional consultancy and daily market reports. My strategy while there was to focus on online trading processes as it was faster and more convenient. The secret is to monitor existing trends in the market and take advantage of favorable situations. By such one is able to not any future currency value change. Such is beneficial as it enables you to avoid any losses and to make as much as possible from the shift in trading currency value. This ensures higher profit probability as once trends are over then unexpected losses are made by a trader. Another strategy is to avoid scalping where one decides to exploit delays as the trading is done online. This is also became a lesson as it is advisable to stay in the trading market as long as one desires contrary to what happens. Fortunately Oanda does allow one to extend their time in the trading market. Currency traders are individuals who take part in the buying and selling of world currencies in a bid to earn profits from the ever changing currency values. Successful currency traders make considerable profit margins contrary to unsuccessful traders who make losses. Such successful traders are characterized by excellent forecasting skills on the shift in currency values. Such an ability enables them to avoid any future losses and also enables them to approximate the profit made from trading different currencies. They are able to interpret market trends as per their trading processes and make quick and appropriate decisions. Such quick decisions enables them to stay focused and determined while trading regardless of the stresses and pressures experienced while trading. Such traders are also able to quickly recover from any losses

Friday, November 15, 2019

History Of The Mind Body Connection Philosophy Essay

History Of The Mind Body Connection Philosophy Essay For some years now it has been a proven fact that a mind and a body are closely related to each other. It seems that some people are born with an ability to control their bodies through the mind, but for some that skill takes a great effort and a lot of discipline. While scientist try to find tangible connections, it has grown to a common believe that a persons mind can generate a strong power over his or her body in order to relieve pain, control emotions and promote healing. Throughout the years yet another amazing discovery was made. It appears that a persons body physical state can greatly affect persons abilities to perform mentally, emotionally and academically. As many researchers have found out, certain physical activities and breathing practices, combined with some mental exercises have shown a significant increase in persons learning abilities. According to Ruth Weiss (2001), for many years neuroscientists, educators, nutritionists, psychiatrists, geneticists have examined the mind-body link to figure out how we  learn everything in this world. To better understand this concept we first need to know what a persons mind is and how it works. For Helmut Schwab (Princeton, 2005), the word mind is commonly used to describe a set of higher brain functions such as reasoning, memory, intuition, will, feelings, and emotions. Still, the main question regarding the nature of a mind is its relation to a physical brain and a nervous system. It has been generally agreed that a mind is a main factor which enables human beings to have subjective awareness  and intentionality  toward their environment. It also empowers them to  perceive  and to respond to  stimulus  with some kind of  an organization and a perception, including thinking and  feeling. Dr. John Ratey (2001), professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an author of A Users Guide to the Brain notes that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [brain] neurons that fire together-wire together. That is the basis of how we  learn. Two natural brain chemicals, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurologic factor (BDNF) facilitate the growth of neuronal connections between brain cells. Ratey calls those substances Miracle Grow for the brain. They are released when the brains cells are active, such as when we think or puzzle over something. Our brains are the ultimate adaptation organs. In new situations our brain is  hungry  to  learn to manage incoming information. An area where the entire new  learning  takes place is called the association matrix. When we adapt- we make more growth factor, which continues to be produced as we  learn  new things. If you affect one area [of the brain], many others are also affected, says Ratey, There is a continuous connection within us, where our  thoughts  are influenced by our bodies and vice versa. Such a phenomena is a well known factor in human studies. According to Dr. Brogaard, (2011), an imbalance in brain chemistry affects a physical state of people, and a physical imbalance affects their mental state. Very often a peoples mind due to a stress or other factors can put limitations on their potentials in many areas of life. However, a lot of researchers have found it is possible to control a persons mind through a set of physical activities, including exercise and relaxation. A physical state of a persons body can dramatically influence his or her mental and learning abilities. Through a hard work we can reach a mind-body balance that gives us a possibility to achieve almost any task. Athletes, martial artists, police officers, law enforcement professionals, soldiers in special units are all have been trained to use these techniques. Keith Vargo (2011, November) states: Unity of mind and body is . . . the unity of action and thought for the purpose of keeping the practitioner alive. It makes him a better person, too. It balances him and control the stress. It fulfills the greatest hope, the highest ideal . . . it means knowing ones hidden self. According to Elizabeth Scott (2011), general body stress is one of important factors that could limit our actions in order of attaining our goals. In fact, a high index of stress hormone cortizol can affect our mind and, subsequently, our body control. It weakens our physical energy, strength, endurance, and our body organs, and it makes our learning skills less efficient. Cortizol creates a destruction of muscle tissue gluconeogenesis, which consists of the demolition of protein and glucose that represents the last resource of the brain to refurnish immediate energy in physically and mentally challenging situations. There is a solution for that problem, thought. It has been proven, that an application of physical activity and sport in general can transform every moment of life into positive energy usable by stimulating the body through a more positive mental approach to perceive new challenges, physical and mental, and produce good feelings. Generally speaking, better physical movements and  exercise  can dramatically enhance ones optimal  learning  state. Eric Jensen (2005) explains that there is strong evidence that supports the connection between movement and learning. Evidence from imaging sources, anatomical studies, and clinical data shows that moderate exercise enhances cognitive processing. It also increases the number of brain cells. Our minds and bodies work together to help us to pay attention, to solve problems, and to  remember  solutions. Our physical states support our mental efforts. Moving  our bodies, however, isnt enough. Professional trainer and physical guru Jillian Michaels (2012), affirms that learning and practicing visualization techniques can help you achieve your goals by guiding you to make more of a mind-body connection to those goals. Having and keeping a vision of the future affects your behavior and actions now. Ruth Weiss (2001), state that a variety of mental exercises such as doing crossword puzzles,  learning  a new skill or a new language, playing chess or backgammon can strengthen and renew neural connections thereby keeping a brain flexible and  resilient. Even the simple task of brushing ones teeth with ones no dominant hand can increase connections between our axons (nerve fiber) and dendrites (branched projections of a  neuron). The best news is that studies show our brains remain  resilient  and capable of making new connections throughout our lives. If we continue to challenge our brains, they will remain fit just like our muscles, hearts, and lungs. Challenging ourselves mentally keeps our synaptic pathways (junction between two neurons) alive. Meditation  and prayer, practiced throughout the world for tens of thousands of years, can also induce a state of relaxation, which proves mentally and physically beneficial. Dr. Herbert Benson (2010) of Harvard medical school believes that a regular practice of the  relaxation leads to a sense that  emotionsand the physiological reactions that go with themcan be brought under control. If someone deeply understands his potential by mastering all of his senses, it becomes possible to make the most out of the energy to actively support all the capabilities of his mind and body to react to any event. It empowers that person to easily go into any situation where he has to surpass and overcome every physical and mental challenge. By treating their physical bodies, intellect, and spirit well, people can take advantage of the brains great plasticity and their own power to reconfigure it. A perfect balance between someones mind and body would be a crucial factor for a performance in all daily activities as well as in processing any kind of new information and learning new skills.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers

AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency. Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Features of Private Payer and Consumer Essay

A HMO is accredited by the state. For its more abject costs, the HMO has the most rigorous guidelines and the minutest alternative of suppliers. Its extremities are allotted to principal care doctors and must utilize network suppliers to be addressed, omit within exigencies. HMO were primitively planned to address all canonical services for a yearly bounty and visit co-pays. A health maintenance organization is coordinated throughout a business model. The model is based on how the terms of the correspondence link the supplier and the plan. Within all, nevertheless, enrollers must see health maintenance organization suppliers within order to be addressed. A group HMO foreshortens with more than one doctor group. Within some plans, health maintenance organizations members receive medical services within health maintenance organization owned facilities from suppliers who cultivate only for that HMO. Within others, members inflict the supplier’s facilities, and the suppliers can a lso treat nonmember patients. IPA (Independent or Individual Practice Association) type of health maintenance organization is an affiliation made by doctors with individually owned practices who foreshorten united to supply care for HMO members. A health maintenance organization compensates managed fees for medical services to the Independent Practice Association. The IPA in turn compensates its doctor members, either through a fee or capitates rate. Suppliers may link more than one IPA and generally see nonmember patients. A point-of-service plan is intercrossed of PPO and HMO networks. Members may prefer from a primary or secondary network. The primary network is HMO-like and the secondary network is generally a PPO network. Like HMOs, POS plans appoint a yearly premium and co-pay for office inflicts. A point-of –service may be integrated as a tiered plan, for exemplar, with dissimilar rates for particularly assigned suppliers, veritable participating suppliers, and out-of-network suppliers. Indemnity (insurance) call for deductible, premium, and coinsurance defrayments. They generally address seventy to eighty percent of costs for comprehended benefits after deductibles are assembled. Many have some managed care ch aracteristics since remunerators contend for employer’s contracts and attempt to assure costs. CDHP (consumer-driven or consumer-directed health plans) aggregate two elements which are (1) a-high deductible health plan and (2) one or more tax-preferable savings accounts that the patient; which is the consumer  addresses. The two plans cultivate together: The high-deductible health plans addresses tragedy losses, and the savings account devotes out of the pocket or unveiled disburses. CDHP authorize consumers to deal their usage of healthcare services and products. CDHPs decimate most co-pays coverage and agitate responsibility for managing the dollars within the savings account to mortars. CDHPs promote individuals to seek routine well-care gains. For the CDHP approach to cultivate, then, consumers must be capable to detect precise healthcare data. A health reimbursement account is a medical reimbursement plan set up and funded through an employer. Health Reimbursement Account are generally offered to employees with health plans that have high deductibles. Employees may submit claims to the HRA to be compensated back for out of pocket medical disbursements. Some troupes extend FSA, which is known as Flexible Savings (Spending) Accounts that augment employees other health insurance coverage. Employees have the alternative of putting pretax dollars from their remunerators within the FSA; they can then utilize the fund to compensate for sure dependent and medical care expenses. The FSA might be utilized within one of two ways. Within some companies, the employer has to file a claim with the plan after compensating a bill. The weakness of an FSA as equated with an HAS is that fresh dollars go back to the employer underneath the â€Å"use it or lose it† rule at the conclusion of the year. Employees must attempt to anticipate their years disbursements to avert either underfunding or overfunding the account. References: Valerius, J., Bayes, N., Newby, C., & Seggern, J. (2008).Medical insurance: An integrated claims process approach (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. U.S. Treasurer’s Office. The Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon.

Friday, November 8, 2019

flat tax in canada essays

flat tax in canada essays In a recent study, the Fraser Institute is quoted with saying, "A flat tax is necessary to achieve efficiency, fairness, and the simplest- measure of a successful tax policy (Fraser institute)." The Flat tax system is a comprehensive, integrated approach to taxation. Flat tax uses a uniform tax rate for income, whether personal or business. The flat tax system ensures that all sources of income are taxed once and at one rate. The introduction of a flat tax system would create fairness, drastically simplify and improve Canada's tax system. Flat tax would not destroy progression in our tax system it would only make it more fair. Flat tax is not a new idea, it is currently used in Hong Kong and the Channel Island. The issue is not with out complication. Some would suggest that Flat tax would only benefit the rich. This argument is false, simply because if people have more money to spend, they will, and that is beneficial to every one. The issue is very significant because it is import ant to know if there are better way for the government to operate our tax system and flat tax is defiantly one of them. The biggest concern with flat tax is that it would eliminate progression in taxation. This is entirely false, a flat tax system is still progressive in a sense, only it is the most fair way of taxation among everyone. A flat tax rate of 20% with no deductions would earn the government the same amount of money as today's system. However progressivity is still found in a flat tax system. If a person earns 20 000 dollars a year they will pay 4000 dollars tax. If one make 100 000 dollars a year then they pay 20 000 dollars tax. This is progessivity at it's fairness, The more one makes the more they pay. This form of tax is still progressive yet it eliminates the damaging affects of increasing marginal tax rates. The most specific effect of progressive marginal taxation is its discouraging effect on entrepreneurial activities, sa ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Sunsâ€Discussion Questions

'A Thousand Splendid Suns'- Discussion Questions A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is superbly written, has a page-turning story, and will help your book club learn more about Afghanistan. Use these book club discussion questions to probe deeper into the story. Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details from the novel. Finish the book before reading on! Discussion Questions What did A Thousand Splendid Suns teach you about the history of Afghanistan? Did anything surprise you?Mariam’s mother says: Women like us. We endure. It’s all we have. In what ways is this true? How do Mariam and Laila endure? How is their endurance different from the ways their mothers faced their trials?Several times Mariam passes herself off as Lailas mother. In what way is their relationship like mother-daughter? How did their own relationships with their mothers shape how they treated each other and their family?What is the significance of Lailas childhood trip to see the giant stone Buddhas above the Bamiyan Valley? Why did her father take her on this trip? How did his influence shape the way Laila would cope with her future?Afghanistan changes rulers several times in the story. During the Soviet occupation, the people felt life would be better once the foreigners were defeated. Why do you think the quality of life deteriorated after the occupation rather than r eturning to the way it was in the pre-communist era? When the Taliban first enter the city, Laila does not believe women will tolerate being forced out of jobs and treated with such indignity. Why do the educated women of Kabul endure such treatment? Why are the Taliban accepted?The Taliban forbid writing books, watching films, and painting pictures; yet the film Titanic becomes a sensation on the black market. Why would people risk the Taliban’s violence to watch the film? Why do you think this particular film became so popular? How does Hosseini use films throughout the novel to symbolize relationships between people and the state of the country (i.e. Jalils theater, Tariq Lailas outings to the movies)?Were you surprised when Tariq returned? Had you suspected the depth of Rasheeds deceit?Why does Mariam refuse to call witnesses at her trial? Why didnt she try to escape with Laila and Tariq? Do you think Mariam made the right decision? Even though her life was hard, Mariam wishes for more of it in the end. Why do you think tha t is? Do you think Laila and Tariq can be happy?Afghanistan is still in the news a lot. Do you think the situation will truly improve there?Rate A Thousand Splendid Suns on a scale of 1 to 5.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leadership when chance occurs the effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership when chance occurs the effects - Essay Example â€Å"A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen† (Reh, 2010). Given the enormous demerits of the conventional practices worldwide that have resulted into unsustainable development, pollution and global warming, people require a change and leadership addresses their concern. Very few people are actually accoutered with adequate knowledge of what leadership is, what to talk of the number of people who actually practice it! A vast majority of people confuse leadership with management. In fact, the former is an effort towards change, and the latter, towards sound administration of what already exists. One of the biggest hurdles in the way of effective leadership is lack of trust among the followers. Owing to the political upsets that have affected the contemporary society all over the world, people have lost confidence in their leaders. Their lack of confidence declines their sincerity with their leaders and ultimately, this results in lack of compliance with the instructions and guidelines provided by the leaders. Followers’ lack of trust in their leaders has also got a severely negative influence on the economic stability and strength of a nation. For example, let’s look at this matter in the context of an organizational setup. When subordinates do not have confidence in their leader, they tend not to trust him/her. In such circumstances, when a leader passes on an instruction, the followers analyze the instruction with respect to all possible repercussions before acting according to it because they are not sure if the leader was watchful of all possible consequen ces that could be unfavorable for the followers in any way. The followers’ analysis of the leader’s instruction consumes time and the process experiences delays. All this time goes unproductive and the organization incurs additional administrative and management costs

Friday, November 1, 2019

High Aspect Ratio Pholithography for MEMS Application Article

High Aspect Ratio Pholithography for MEMS Application - Article Example This is the most prominent technique and is widely used and can be used with tall microstructures in the range of 100 micrometers to 1 mm. This method though resulting into long micro structures does not affect the lateral dimension accuracy making it effective method in achieving this objective. However, the method cannot be universally applied due to lack of a synchronized source and the fabrication cost of LIGA that is prohibitive. The use of X-rays from a synchronized source with the capability of giving high intensity, hard x-rays with low divergent properties, makes this method to achieve great results despite these limitations. This led to the development of low cost and commonly available process that would meet the above objectives, and that is close to LIGA. An example was the reactive ion Etching (RIE) of polyamide, which has been presented as a method that could fabricate high aspect ratios structures at the lower costs compared to the above process. This was able to achi eve a thickness so of more than 100 micrometers, and an aspect ratio of about 10. This process was however found to be more tedious as it required modification of the RIE machine, and hence not effective. Other methods that have been used to investigate in this process include the photosensitive polyamide together with UV exposure and have been used in fabricating plating molds. This process achieved a thickness of up to 50 micrometers and an aspect ratio close to 8. Other methods that have been investigated include the high aspect commercial photolithography with photoresist and a near UV light source, in fabricating high aspect ratio molds of metal structures. These are some of the motivations behind the research above by Miyajima and Mehregany. Research background The research involved investigating the fabrication of high-aspect-ratio structures using a commercially available positive photoresist and the UV exposure increasing molds, which would be used together with electroless nickel plating. The research involved an effort to maintain a 2- 3micrometers line width and increasing the photoresists thickness altogether. This was the main point that most of the LIGA high-aspect-ratio process as described above ignored. Using an electrostatic actuator that had been micro machined with 1.5 micrometers wide active gaps and up to 5 micrometers polysilicon, and increasing the gap side wall height instead of increasing the gap height was found to result to reduced force/torque, and this eliminated the urge to use high aspect ratio structures. This was the remarkable difference in this process as compared to other processes investigating this problem. The use of evaporated solvents during the coating process ensured that films thicker than 8 micrometers were obtained. After carrying out the complete process and the patterns in photoresist, electroless nickel plating was performed to fabricate metal structures, and this required the chemical compatibility of the pho toresits with the plating chemicals to be an important considerations. This photo lithography process was found to be compatible with the electroless nickel plating process described above. Methodology One of the variables that were to be considered and regulated is the spin speed in coating. A slower speed below 1000rpm could have resulted to rough surface in the photoresists and the